We are still freaking out when we think about this urban wedding in Hamburg. Those cuties have one of the warmest souls and hearts we ever met and we are super thankful to share this wedding on our blog with you today.
It all started with a hilarious Google Hangout session. Chris was at home, waiting for Alina. But she had a crash with her bike and a Joye's (now Dominos) Pizzadriver and was running so late, that she jumped into a restaurant nearby and joined the video call from there. It was super loud there and on top something was wrong with the sound settings of the tool so we all had problems to understand each other. But it all had a happy end, probably because it all began with this little desaster.
This couple really chose some amazing locations for their wedding. The ceremony took place in a photo studio in one of the hippest areas of Hamburg and just around the corner they invited their gutests into 'The Box', where you have to stop and look for crazy stuff to buy when you are around.
But it was not the venues what made this wedding perfect for us. It was the people. Those two have amazing families and friends and we felt more that welcome and trusted.
So now have fun with the wedding story of Verena and Alex...